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What is Polite Behavior When Visiting the Grocery Store?

As an etiquette teacher, I'm often amazed at some of the odd behaviors I witness in grocery stores. I'm not alone.  Ask around and you will probably get an ear full about the clueless and impolite. Unfortunately, poor public behavior bordering on downright rude appears to be on the rise.  These poor behaviors resulted in an interview with me on a local network a few years ago. Since there's obviously interest, I've created a short tutorial on grocery store etiquette. 

What is proper aisle etiquette?

Whether it's hogging the entire aisle while searching for an item or chatting with another, we should realize that we share this space.  Be aware of where your cart is and that it is not obstructing others' progress.  Step to the side as others approach when in a conversation. 

Everything we do affects others.  Therefore, we should all strive to affect others in a positive manner and never emulate the entitled "me first" persona.  

Furthermore, assist others when the opportunity arises.  Frequently, we are in such a rush that we miss the subtleties.  We may not notice the elderly four-foot woman unsuccessfully reaching for an item on the top shelf.  It would take a mere 10 seconds to assist her.  Courtesy and kindness are free, it is polite behavior, and it is the right thing to do. 

What is proper behavior for children in grocery stores?

Older people tend to use the phrase, "When I was a child..." quite often.  Well, in this case, it's appropriate.  In the past, it seemed that parents and children realized that a store is not a playground.  Children just seemed to know that it is impolite to run through the aisles.  Parents knew that touching items we don't intend to purchase isn't polite.  This isn't as common in our non-parenting parent world today.

As parents, it is our job to set the rules.

Children shouldn't run through the store, because they could hurt other shoppers, especially the infirm.  Please don't allow children to touch unwrapped bakery items without your supervision; using paper is best.  In addition, reinforce the use of indoor voices. 

What about a person with 25 grocery items in the 15-or-fewer-line?

There are no etiquette police to correct others' behavior.  It's not polite to do so.  If a person isn't following the rules, we should ignore them.  Let's just make sure we are not that person.

What is proper etiquette when perusing the freezer aisle?

For ease of searching, freezer doors are made of glass.  Thus, we only need to open the door once our choice is made.  Even though this is a simple and logical premise, we may forget this concept when we reach the ice cream section.  Perhaps it's that carton of double chocolate fudge causing brain freeze.  In any case, the socially savvy remembers that a grocery store is a shared space—one that is not ours. We are not at home; this is not our property. Respectfully, we should not hold freezer doors open allowing warm air to enter.  If so, it could result in spoiled goods. 

What to do when faced with inconsiderate, social blunders at the grocery store?

Since it is impolite to correct others' behaviors, it is best to lead by example. Politely ask others to allow passage when they are blocking an aisle.  Assist others when needed.  Practice active parenting. Be polite, be respectful of others and property.  Be the best guest

Your thoughts?

More by The Polite One

Use Your Best Manners When Visiting the Zoo

Take Your Best Manners With You When Visiting a Restaurant

How to Politely Refuse a Handshake


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